Unified, Vendor-Neutral, Unchanging, and Open BSV Blockchain Standard Wallet-to-Application Interface
Ty Everett (ty@projectbabbage.com)
Tone Engel (tone@projectbabbage.com)
Brayden Langley (brayden@projectbabbage.com)
We define the BSV Blockchain's standard wallet-to-application interface. This interface defines a robust and secure communication protocol between BSV wallets and applications. This protocol, built on the MetaNet architectural principles, aims to standardize the interaction between wallets and decentralized applications in the BSV ecosystem. The interface is designed to be vendor-neutral, supporting a wide range of implementations, ensuring interoperability, and promoting openness across different wallet and app vendors.
Computing has long been subject to shortfalls in the areas of information centralization and architectural cross-compatibility. Users on the internet struggle with complex and insecure authentication systems which leave them vulnerable and leak their data. Websites rely on advertising to monetize their offerings, but ads warp the incentives of platforms and creators in ways that ultimately harm everyone involved. By defining a standard interface by which users can identify themselves, protect their data and engage in e-commerce with Bitcoin, this standard offers a solution to problems that have long plagued the existing model.
Primary Objectives
Standardization: The interface provides a consistent and standardized API that ensures that any application can integrate with any compliant wallet without needing custom adaptations.
Vendor-Neutrality: The interface abstracts the underlying wallet implementation, allowing applications to work seamlessly with wallets from different vendors.
Open Specification: The interface is openly documented, encouraging community adoption, and providing a bedrock foundation atop which anyone can build with confidence, knowing the interface will remain constant.
Security and Privacy: Emphasizing secure handling of keys, transactions, and data through the use of secure cryptographic protocols and minimal exposure of sensitive information.
Comprehensive Functionality: The interface covers a broad range of functionalities, from transaction creation, signing, and broadcasting, to identity management, encryption, and digital signatures.
Foundational Requirements
SECTION TL;DR: We use the BSV Blockchain. We use the secp256k1 elliptic curve. We use compressed, DER-formatted public keys. We use BKDS key derivation. We use BRC-43 for security levels, protocol IDs, key IDs, and counterparties (with BRC-44 protocols reserved for internal wallet use). We subscribe to the BRC-45 idea that "Outputs are tokens". We use BRC-46 output baskets for tracking tokens. For categorization and filtering purposes, we allow transactions to be given a set of labels, and outputs to be given a set of tags. We utilize the BRC-67 rules for SPV validation. We use the BEEF standard outlined in BRC-62 for representing transactions. For encryption and decryption, we use the methods described in BRC-2. For creating digital signatures, we use the methods described in BRC-3. For HMACs BRC-56, we derive symmetric keys as in BRC-2, but then use them for HMAC operations instead of AES-GCM encryption. For the digital certificate structure and field encryption scheme, we use BRC-52. For internalizing payment outputs that increase the user's wallet balance, we employ the key derivation protocol described within BRC-29. For revealing key linkages, we employ the two methods described within BRC-69, and we protect this information as described in BRC-72. We incorporate BRC-97 for defining flexible proof-type fields to support emerging zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) schemes in specific key linkage revelations. We reserve specific protocol identifiers as described in BRC-98 to ensure forward compatibility with future permissioned protocols. Similarly, we reserve basket identifiers as outlined in BRC-99 to accommodate evolving wallet-managed asset permission schemes. These foundational prerequisites allow us to fully define and specify the behavior and functionality of the digital wallet system, ensuring future extensibility and compatibility across the BSV ecosystem.
Section Overview
The Wallet Interface is built upon a set of essential foundational standards and protocols that define the underlying architecture, cryptographic operations, and key management systems required for a robust and coherent wallet-to-application interface within the BSV ecosystem. This section thoroughly explains these foundational requirements, incorporating relevant content from the preceding BRCs to provide a holistic understanding of the interface's structure.
1. Key Derivation using BKDS with BRC-42
At the heart of the Wallet Interface lies the BRC-42: BSV Key Derivation Scheme. This scheme defines how keys are derived between two interacting parties. BKDS leverages the secp256k1 elliptic curve and enables participants to derive multiple unique public-private key pairs from a shared master key. All cryptographic operations, including key derivation and identity handling, adhere to the BKDS as defined in BRC-42. This specification does not support legacy key derivation schemes like BIP32 due to the foundational nature of BKDS in ensuring compatibility, privacy, and security across the BSV ecosystem. Wallets implementing this interface must migrate to BKDS and cannot rely on older derivation schemes.
Identity Keys:
Each wallet has an everyday master private key and a corresponding master public key derived from the secp256k1 elliptic curve. The public key is known as the "identity key".
Additionally, there's a whole secondary "privileged mode" keyring for sensitive operations, allowing these privileged keys to be treated with higher security than the user's everyday keyring.
Key Derivation Process:
When deriving a key for a payment or exchange, the sender computes an elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) shared secret using their private key and the recipient's public key.
The shared secret is then used to generate a scalar through HMAC and convert it to a point on the elliptic curve.
This point is combined with the recipient's master public key to produce a child public key.
Key Privacy:
No information about the derived private key is exposed until actually used. This ensures that only the recipient can derive the private key corresponding to the public key provided by the sender.
Expanding Key Universes:
With BKDS, wallets can create a virtually unlimited number of unique key pairs through simple modifications of the derivation inputs (e.g., invoice numbers). This open-ended invoice numbering scheme is baked into the Wallet Interface, facilitating custom, flexible key derivation for transactions, signatures, and encryption.
2. Security Levels and Protocol IDs with BRC-43
BRC-43 plays a vital role in organizing how keys are used and accessed in the wallet. This standard introduces Security Levels, Protocol IDs, Key IDs, and Counterparties rules that govern key derivation, permissions, and data access within standard wallets.
Security Levels:
Security levels determine the required user permissions and access controls for a derived key:
Level 0: No restrictions, open access.
Level 1: Requires a level of user authorization that applies across all counterparties who use the same protocol.
Level 2: Restricts key usage to specific counterparties and requires individual permission for each.
Protocol IDs & Key IDs:
Protocol IDs further define the usage context for a derived key, such as "Document Signing" or "Encryption".
A Key ID is a unique identifier that differentiates specific keys under the same Protocol ID, allowing numerous derived keys under the same context but with different purposes.
Counterparties are entities with whom keys are shared (sender, receiver, etc.). For instance, the interface allows single-party self-derivations where a sender and receiver are the same (useful for internal key operations) and anyone-derivations denoted by the private key 1 (for public operations).
Permission System:
Permission grants are managed transparently by the wallet and include expiration times, user notifications, and granularity based on the security level. This ensures that applications receive only the delineated keys they need and no more.
3. Reserved Internal Protocols with BRC-44
BRC-44 discusses Admin-reserved and Prohibited Key Derivation Protocols that are exclusive to administrative use by the wallet. These reserved protocols prevent application access to key derivation operations that are inherently internal and crucial to wallet security and integrity.
Internal Protocol Guidelines:
Any protocol ID that begins with admin is off-limits for external applications.
The Wallet Interface requires that this reserved protocol space is never exposed to or invoked by third-party applications, maintaining the separation between user-facing operations and internal wallet functionalities.
4. Tokenization of UTXOs with BRC-45
BRC-45 defines UTXOs as Tokens, asserting that Unspent Transaction Outputs (UTXOs) are the base units of tokenization within Bitcoin. This principle is integral to the interface, where UTXOs serve as tokens that can be managed within wallets using custom baskets, as discussed below.
Transaction Outputs as Tokens:
UTXOs represent discrete token units that can be transferred directly from sender to recipient. Their validity and legitimacy can be independently verified by anyone receiving the transaction.
The Wallet Interface relies on the UTXO model to enhance scalability, ensure decentralization, and promote trustlessness by enabling transparent and verifiable transactions without reliance on intermediaries.
Simplified Payment Verification (SPV):
The wallet interface integrates transaction validation protocols that follow BRC-67's SPV method. By validating UTXOs through matching txid and proof inclusion within the blockchain, wallets can quickly confirm that tokens are genuine without needing the entire chain. This eliminates the reliance on tracing tokens back to their genesis, addressing the Back To Genesis (BTG) problem. Instead, the Wallet Interface ensures validity and provenance by leveraging SPV proofs and state-based validation, allowing efficient token verification while maintaining scalability, reducing computational overhead, and preserving user privacy. As a result, tokens can be securely and rapidly transacted without the inefficiencies and complexities historically associated with the BTG issue.
5. Tracking and Managing Outputs with BRC-46
To facilitate complex tracking and interaction with UTXOs, BRC-46 establishes Wallet Transaction Output Tracking (Output Baskets) within the interface.
Baskets are conceptual containers for grouping UTXOs, creating an easy-to-manage structure for tracking specific outputs used across applications or protocols.
A wallet must support basket management, including returning transaction outputs from a given basket, customizing outputs with relevant instructions, and spending or relinquishing them.
Like with key derivation, permissioning is enforced for applications executing operations involving baskets. The security model here follows from BRC-43, ensuring consistency across the system.
Wallets must ensure that users have given consent before listing the outputs from a given basket, creating transactions that insert outputs into a basket, or internalizing transactions that facilitate output insertion into baskets.
6. Transaction Verification with BRC-67 and BRC-62
Authenticated transaction verification is critical in wallet operations, and this builds, in part, on BRC-67: Simplified Payment Verification and BRC-62: Background Evaluation Extended Format (BEEF) Transactions.
BEEF Data Structure:
The BEEF format specified in BRC-62 is optimized for SPV and designed for efficient data transmission, focusing on economy of information while retaining verification integrity.
Wallets should utilize BEEF when constructing, communicating, and validating transactions. BEEF supports streaming validation, enabling the wallet to initiate transaction verification as soon as it starts receiving the data.
Verification Steps:
BRC-67 outlines the steps to be undertaken for verifying a transaction, including script validation, fee checking, sequence, and locktime examination. These checks ensure that transactions processed through the wallet interface are legitimate and contextually accurate.
SPV Empowerment:
The SPV model allows lightweight wallet clients to verify the chain, making them resistant to fraud while not requiring them to store or access all blockchain data.
7. Data Security with BRC-2 for Encryption and Decryption
Security is paramount in the Wallet Interface, and BRC-2 defines Encryption and Decryption operations encapsulated within the interface's cryptographic functionality.
AES-256-GCM Encryption:
Wallets employ AES-256-GCM for symmetric encryption, where the derived shared secret between the sender's and recipient's child keys becomes the basis for the encryption key.
Encryption & Decryption Process:
Wallets use their private keys and their counterparty's public keys (derived through BKDS) to encrypt data under a given protocol ID and key ID. Similarly, upon receipt, the recipient decrypts the data using their private key combined with the sender's public key.
Confidentiality Assurance:
Encryption through this interface ensures the confidentiality of transmitted data and can be applied for user-specific actions like private document exchange (shielded with encryption keys derived from BKDS).
8. Authorized Digital Signatures with BRC-3
The Wallet Interface supports digital signing functionalities defined in BRC-3: Digital Signature Creation and Verification.
Derived child keys (from BKDS) are used to sign data based on the security levels, protocol IDs, and key IDs defined in BRC-43.
Private & Public Signatures:
Wallets can create private digital signatures intended for a specified receiver, by naming them as a counterparty.
It's also possible to create publicly verifiable signatures, simply by naming anyone as the counterparty.
The signature is verifiable by the recipient using derived public keys. The recipient uses BRC-43 mechanics to derive the corresponding public key and validates the signature using this key over the provided data.
9. Identity Certificates and Selective Revelation with BRC-52
BRC-52 defines Identity Certificates, which incorporate selective revelation protocols that wallets must support.
Certificate Structure:
Identity certificates encapsulate a subject's identity information, certified by a trusted entity, with fields selectively encryptable to preserve user privacy.
Selective Revelation:
Wallets must facilitate keyring management for applications to reveal or withhold certificate fields selectively. The wallet keeps a copy of the master keyring, transmitting only the necessary revelation keys to authorized parties in an encrypted form.
Revocation Mechanism:
Identity certificate revocation is implemented via UTXO tracking. If the UTXO tied to a revocation outpoint is spent, everyone considers the certificate invalid—this adds an additional layer of trust and decentralized authority, depending on the constraints placed upon the UTXO.
10. Payment Internalization with BRC-29
The Wallet Interface incorporates support for BRC-29: Simple Authenticated BSV P2PKH Payment Protocol, which standardizes how payments are derived, handled, and internalized within the wallet.
Payment Key Derivation:
BKDS Integration: Payments utilize keys derived through BKDS. They are based on a combination of transaction-specific data (such as a unique derivation prefix) and counterparty public keys. The derived keys are used to generate P2PKH scripts, ensuring that only the intended recipient can derive the corresponding private keys for spending.
Internalization Process:
Decoding and Deriving Keys: Upon receiving a payment message, the wallet decodes the message, derives the necessary private keys using the provided derivationPrefix and derivationSuffix, checks the scripts match, and processes the UTXOs.
Baskets and Custom Instructions: Non-P2PKH outputs with custom scripts can be directed into specific baskets, enabling organized tracking within the wallet. Custom instructions attached to UTXOs are also stored and can be used by applications for token history tracking or future spending.
SPV Verification: Regardless of whether a payment increments a user's wallet balance via BRC-29, inserts outputs into custom baskets with tags and custom instructions, or both, the wallet always employs BRC-67 to confirm the transaction's validity according to the rules of SPV.
Flexible Payment Handling:
Multiple Outputs and Transactions:BRC-29 supports handling multiple outputs and even transactions within a single "payment." Each transaction output can be individually indexed with a unique derivation suffix, allowing the wallet to differentiate and manage multiple outputs efficiently, while all outputs within one given payment share a common derivation prefix.
11. Auditability and Key Linkage Revelations with BRC-69 and BRC-72
The Wallet Interface incorporates methods to enhance transparency and auditability through BRC-69: Revealing Key Linkages, while ensuring the protection of sensitive data during transit with BRC-72: Protecting BRC-69 Key Linkage Information in Transit.
Key Linkage Revelations:
BKDS Based Key Linkage:BRC-69 outlines two methods for revealing key linkages from BKDS derived keys. The first method allows wallets to reveal a root ECDH shared secret between a user's identity key and another counterparty's key, enabling anyone to link all interactions between them. The second method reveals the specific key offset for individual derived child keys, enabling audit trails while preserving privacy in other contexts.
Protection of Linkage Information:
BRC-72 Integration: Protecting sensitive linkage data is paramount. BRC-72 specifies mechanisms for encrypting key linkage revelations when they are in transit. This encryption is done using the BRC-2 AES-256-GCM method, ensuring that only authorized verifiers (recipients) can decrypt and access the linkage data. This preserves privacy and security, even when key linkages must be revealed for audit or verification purposes.
Additionally, BRC-94 proofs help overcome the limitations described in BRC-93. BRC-97 allows for future zero-knowledge proof types to be used in the context of specific key linkage revelation as technology develops.
The foundational BRCs integrated into this Wallet Interface ensure security, scalability, and flexibility across operations performed within the BSV ecosystem. These frameworks from key derivation, rigorous cryptographic principles, selective identity verification, tokenization, secure payments, and audit trails through linkage revelations all combine to form a robust and future-proof digital wallet architecture. The next section defines the high-level structure of the wallet interface.
Interface Structure
The interface comprises numerous methods that cater to different functional areas related to wallet operations and application needs. The methods are grouped for easier understanding:
Transaction Operations:
Creation: The createAction method creates a new Action, which is effectively a Bitcoin transaction augmented with descriptive metadata and optional categorization (labels). This method can either fully construct and sign a transaction or return a "signableTransaction" reference if some inputs must be signed or processed later. The method always requires at least one input or one output to produce a valid transaction; otherwise, it must return an error. The minimum requirements is that at least one input or one output must be specified. If only description is provided and no inputs and no outputs are given, the wallet must return an error, since a transaction cannot be constructed. If inputs are provided, the wallet requires inputBEEF to supply context and validation data for these inputs. If both inputBEEF and a fully prepared set of inputs are provided, inputBEEF should provide SPV and contextual information about these inputs. The two are complementary: inputs define the UTXOs being consumed, and inputBEEF provides the transaction inclusion proofs or data needed for validation. Both must not conflict. If a conflict is detected, the wallet should return an error. Every input requires an inputDescription. This string documents why a particular UTXO was chosen or what it represents. This field is required to ensure proper user-level record-keeping and transparency. If basket is not provided for an output, that output is considered untracked by the wallet. It will not appear in listOutputs, and the wallet does not maintain any metadata about it. Baskets are used for grouping UTXOs for later retrieval, filtering, and permissioned operations.
Signing: signAction allows for signing and processing previously created transactions from the createAction method.
Aborting: abortAction facilitates the cancellation of transactions that have not yet been completed.
Internalization: internalizeAction enables wallets to accept and manage incoming transactions by parsing, tagging, and organizing outputs.
Listing: listActions and listOutputs allow querying transactions and outputs based on specific criteria like labels, baskets, and tags. Labels can be attached to transactions to facilitate discovery via listActions and tags can be attached to outputs to similarly facilitate discovery via listOutputs. They are purely organizational tools and cannot be used as triggers or conditional hooks for other wallet operations. They serve only for later searching and categorizing actions.
Relinquishment:relinquishOutput releases an output from a basket tracked by the wallet, even if it has yet to be spent.
Pre-Built Transactions: If you already have a fully constructed transaction in BEEF format and simply need to internalize it into the wallet, internalizeAction is the appropriate method. createAction is meant for constructing new transactions within the wallet, not for just adding an existing transaction.
Tags vs. Labels: Transaction-level labels categorize entire transactions (Actions) and are used with listActions. Output-level tags categorize individual outputs and are used with listOutputs. Both are organizational metadata fields and do not trigger special wallet logic or external processes. They exist solely for searching, filtering, and organizing data.
Public Key Management:
Key Retrieval: getPublicKey facilitates the retrieval of public keys, be they derived keys based on protocols or the user's main identity keys.
Key Linkage: Methods revealCounterpartyKeyLinkage and revealSpecificKeyLinkage disclose key relationships, as specified in BRC-69, with additional support for future zero-knowledge proof schemes outlined in BRC-97. These are essential for identity verification and the auditing of interactions between parties.
Cryptography Operations:
Encryption/Decryption: encrypt and decrypt methods implement secure encryption and decryption of data using derived keys and consistent protocol definitions, enabling private exchanges of information between counterparties.
HMAC Operations: createHmac and verifyHmac allow for the creation and verification of Hash-based Message Authentication Codes (HMAC) to ensure data integrity.
Signatures: createSignature and verifySignature enable the creation and verification of digital signatures, both public and private, essential for validating the authenticity of transactions, documents, and data.
Identity and Certificate Management:
Certificate Acquisition: acquireCertificate allows the wallet to obtain identity certificates, either by directly saving them or through a standardized issuance protocol. Conversely, relinquishCertificate allows an old certificate to be removed.
Certificate Listing and Discovery: listCertificates, discoverByIdentityKey, and discoverByAttributes enable querying of identity certificates owned by the user or others based on identity keys or specific attributes.
Proving Identity Certificates: proveCertificate leverages selective revelation protocols defined in BRC-52 while integrating future-proof proof schemes from BRC-97. This provides enhanced flexibility and enables users to securely prove their identity or certified attributes to third parties when required.
Blockchain and Network Data:
Blockchain Height: getHeight retrieves the current height of the blockchain.
Merkle Root Retrieval: getMerkleRootForHeight retrieves the Merkle root at a specific block height.
Network and Version Information: getNetwork and getVersion retrieve information about the network (mainnet or testnet) and the wallet's version.
User Authentication: isAuthenticated checks the user's authentication status, ensuring they've set up their wallet before operations are attempted.
Authentication Wait: waitForAuthentication waits for the user to complete authentication and returns once the wallet has been fully set up.
Data Types and Constraints
To ensure consistency and prevent errors, the interface defines various data types and associated constraints. A few key examples include:
Boolean Types:
BooleanDefaultFalse: Defaults to false if not provided.
BooleanDefaultTrue: Defaults to true if not provided.
Integer Types:
Byte: An integer between 0 and 255.
PositiveIntegerOrZero: A non-negative integer with an upper bound of 2^32 - 1.
PositiveIntegerMax10: A positive integer between 1 and 10.
PositiveIntegerDefault10Max10000: A positive integer that defaults to 10, and has an upper bound of 10000.
SatoshiValue: Represents a value in Satoshis, ranging between 1 and 2.1 * 10^15.
String Types:
ISOTimestampString: Represents an ISO 8601 format timestamp.
HexString: A string containing hexadecimal characters.
Base64String: A string in standard base64 encoded format.
Specialized Strings: Defined for specific fields, including transactions, descriptions, version strings, certificate field names, etc.
Error Handling and Validation
Errors are raised using a uniform structure containing:
status: Denotes the presence of a failure (always "error").
code: A short machine-readable string representing the specific error or fault.
description: A human-readable explanation of the error.
context: (Optional) Additional contextual data relevant to the error---often binary or debug information.
When errors occur, they must be communicated and thrown such that they preserve these structural elements. Specific instantiations or realizations of this interface, comprising APIs or transport mechanisms for messages between wallets and applications, must specify how these errors are communicated.
Recommended Validation Steps:
Wallets must apply all specified rules and logical validation procedures to all methods within the specification. For example, in the case of createAction, wallets should:
Verify that the required fields (description plus at least one input or one output) are present.
Check that if inputs are provided, the inputDescription field is also provided for each input.
Validate that if inputBEEF is provided, it corresponds logically to the inputs.
Ensure that labels, tags, and basket names comply with the defined format and size constraints.
If any constraints are not met, or if conflicting parameters are detected (e.g., invalid noSendChange usage), the wallet should return a structured error as previously defined.
Parameter Errors:
If parameters are missing, malformed, or conflict with each other, the wallet should return an error with an appropriate error code and a human-readable description. For instance:
Missing required fields: Return an error code like ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER and a description stating which parameter is missing.
Invalid numeric ranges or string lengths: Return ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE.
Conflicts between inputs and inputBEEF: Return ERR_CONFLICTING_PARAMETERS.
These are examples; wallets and implementations are free to use their own naming conventions for error codes as long as they provide a clear description field.
Usage and Best Practices
Interoperability: Since the interface is vendor-neutral, developers should ensure they comply fully with the defined types, constraints, and method contracts, allowing their wallets and applications to interface smoothly with others.
Use of Privileged Mode: Methods related to the use of keys include options that allow an alternative "privileged access" mode to be used. When implemented, a secondary and more secure set of keys is used instead of the primary ones. This should only be invoked when necessary, and requires proper justification to be provided.
Request Originators and Permissions: The interface ensures that operations like key derivation, signing, encryption, certificate field revelation, and transaction creation are conducted with proper authorization by incorporating the request's originator. The wallet can then authenticate the originator and seek user permission if necessary.
Restrictions on Protocol and Basket Namespaces
Protocol IDs and basket names are used to control access to data and assets, respectively. In order to ensure that consistent rules apply across wallet implementations, and to ensure that appropriate reservations are made for future permissions architectures (see BRC-98 and BRC-99), we specify the rules that apply to these namespaces here:
Rules for Protocol Names
Protocol IDs:
Must be at least 5 characters.
Generally must not exceed 400 characters (except for the specific linkage revelation protocol, which is allowed to be up to 430 characters, since it's the only protocol that encapsulates anotherr full protocol name within itself).
Must not contain multiple consecutive spaces (e.g., " ").
Must only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and spaces.
Must not end with protocol (this is redundant).
Must not start with p (allows for future "specially permissioned" protocols). Specified in BRC-98.
Key IDs:
Must be at least one byte in length.
Must not exceed 800 bytes in length.
Rules for Basket Names
Basket names:
Must be at least 5 characters.
Must be no more than 400 characters.
Must only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and spaces.
Must not end with basket (this is redundant).
Must not contain consecutive spaces.
Must not start with admin (allows the wallet to manage assets internal to its operations).
Must not be default (some wallets have historically used this for internal operations).
Must not start with p (allows for future "specially permissioned" baskets). Specified in BRC-99.
The Wallet Interface
This interface is specified in TypeScript as follows:
/** * @typedef{boolean}BooleanDefaultFalse * Represents an optional boolean parameter, which defaults to `false` if not provided. * @remarks * Default values are not enforced at the type level. Ensure that implementations explicitly assign the default value. */exporttypeBooleanDefaultFalse=boolean/** * @typedef{boolean}BooleanDefaultTrue * Represents an optional boolean parameter, which defaults to `true` if not provided. * @remarks * Default values are not enforced at the type level. Ensure that implementations explicitly assign the default value. */exporttypeBooleanDefaultTrue=boolean/** * @typedef{number}Byte * Represents an integer from 0 to 255 (inclusive). * @minimum 0 * @maximum 255 */exporttypeByte=number/** * @typedef{number}PositiveIntegerOrZero * A positive integer, includes zero and has an upper bound of `2^32 - 1`. * @minimum 0 * @maximum 4294967295 * @remarks * TypeScript cannot enforce numeric ranges. Validate at runtime if the value is within the specified range. */exporttypePositiveIntegerOrZero=number/** * @typedef{number}PositiveInteger * A positive integer that excludes zero, and has an upper bound of `2^32 - 1`. * @minimum 1 * @maximum 4294967295 * @remarks * TypeScript cannot enforce numeric ranges. Validate at runtime if the value is within the specified range. */exporttypePositiveInteger=number/** * @typedef{number}PositiveIntegerMax10 * A positive integer that excludes zero, and has an upper bound of 10. * @minimum 1 * @maximum 10 * @remarks * TypeScript cannot enforce numeric ranges. Validate at runtime if the value is within the specified range. */exporttypePositiveIntegerMax10=number/** * @typedef{number}PositiveIntegerDefault10Max10000 * A positive integer that defaults to 10, and has an upper bound of 10000. * @minimum 1 * @default 10 * @maximum 10000 * @remarks * Default values are not enforced at the type level. Validate at runtime if the value is within the specified range and assign the default if omitted. */exporttypePositiveIntegerDefault10Max10000=number/** * @typedef{number}SatoshiValue * Represents a value in Satoshis, constrained by the max supply of Bitcoin (2.1 * 10^15 Satoshis). * @minimum 1 * @maximum 2100000000000000 * @remarks * TypeScript cannot enforce numeric ranges. Validate at runtime if the value is within the specified range. */exporttypeSatoshiValue=number/** * @typedef{string}ISOTimestampString * Represents an ISO timestamp string. * @remarks * Ensure runtime validation to confirm the string adheres to the ISO 8601 standard. */exporttypeISOTimestampString=string/** * @typedef{string}HexString * A string containing only hexadecimal characters (0-9, a-f). * @remarks * TypeScript does not enforce format or case. Validate at runtime to ensure the string is properly formatted. */exporttypeHexString=string/** * @typedef{HexString}TXIDHexString * Represents a transaction ID, enforced to be exactly 64 characters in length and in hexadecimal format. * @length 64 * @remarks * TypeScript cannot enforce string length. Validate at runtime for length and format compliance. */exporttypeTXIDHexString=HexString/** * @typedef{string}OutpointString * Represents a transaction ID and output index pair. The TXID is given as a hex string followed by a period "." and then the output index is given as a decimal integer. * @remarks * Validate at runtime to ensure the correct format: `<TXID>.<index>`. */exporttypeOutpointString=string/** * @typedef{HexString}PubKeyHex * Represents a compressed DER secp256k1 public key, exactly 66 hex characters (33 bytes) in length. * @length 66 * @remarks * TypeScript does not enforce length or format. Validate at runtime to ensure the string is 66 characters long and valid hexadecimal. */exporttypePubKeyHex=HexString/** * @typedef{string}Base64String * A standard base64 encoded string. * @remarks * Validate at runtime to ensure the string adheres to the Base64 format. */exporttypeBase64String=string/** * @typedef{string}OriginatorDomainNameString * Represents the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the application that originates the request. * @remarks * Validate at runtime to ensure the string conforms to FQDN formatting rules. */exporttypeOriginatorDomainNameString=string/** * @typedef{string & { minLength: 5, maxLength: 50 }}DescriptionString5to50Characters * A string used for descriptions, with a length between 5 and 50 characters. * @remarks * TypeScript cannot enforce length constraints. Validate at runtime for length compliance. */exporttypeDescriptionString5to50Characters=string/** * @typedef{string & { maxLength: 300 }}BasketStringUnder300Characters * A string for naming baskets, with a maximum length of 300 characters. * @remarks * TypeScript cannot enforce length constraints. Validate at runtime for length compliance. */exporttypeBasketStringUnder300Characters=string/** * @typedef{string & { maxLength: 300 }}OutputTagStringUnder300Characters * A string for tagging outputs, with a maximum length of 300 characters. * @remarks * TypeScript cannot enforce length constraints. Validate at runtime for length compliance. */exporttypeOutputTagStringUnder300Characters=string/** * @typedef{string & { maxLength: 300 }}LabelStringUnder300Characters * A string for labeling transactions, with a maximum length of 300 characters. * @remarks * TypeScript cannot enforce length constraints. Validate at runtime for length compliance. */exporttypeLabelStringUnder300Characters=string/** * @typedef{Byte[]}BEEF * An array of integers, each ranging from 0 to 255, indicating transaction data in BEEF(BRC-62) format. * @remarks * Validate at runtime to ensure each element is within the specified range. */exporttypeBEEF=Byte[]/** * @typedef{Byte[]}AtomicBEEF * An array of integers, each ranging from 0 to 255, indicating transaction data in Atomic BEEF(BRC-95) format. * @remarks * Validate at runtime to ensure each element is within the specified range. */exporttypeAtomicBEEF=Byte[]/** * @typedef{string & { minLength: 5, maxLength: 400 }}ProtocolString5To400Characters * A protocol identifier with a length between 5 and 400 characters. * @remarks * TypeScript cannot enforce length constraints. Validate at runtime for length compliance. */exporttypeProtocolString5To400Characters=string/** * @typedef{string & { maxLength: 800 }}KeyIDStringUnder800Characters * Represents a key identifier string, with a maximum length of 800 characters. * @remarks * TypeScript cannot enforce length constraints. Validate at runtime for length compliance. */exporttypeKeyIDStringUnder800Characters=string/** * @typedef{string & { maxLength: 50 }}CertificateFieldNameUnder50Characters * Represents a certificate field name with a maximum length of 50 characters. * @remarks * TypeScript cannot enforce length constraints. Validate at runtime for length compliance. */exporttypeCertificateFieldNameUnder50Characters=string/** * @typedef{string & { maxLength: 100 }}EntityNameStringMax100Characters * Represents a trusted entity name with a maximum length of 100 characters. * @remarks * TypeScript cannot enforce length constraints. Validate at runtime for length compliance. */exporttypeEntityNameStringMax100Characters=string/** * @typedef{string & { maxLength: 500 }}EntityIconURLStringMax500Characters * Represents a trusted entity icon URL with a maximum length of 500 characters. * @remarks * TypeScript cannot enforce length constraints. Validate at runtime for length compliance. */exporttypeEntityIconURLStringMax500Characters=string/** * @typedef{string & { minLength: 7, maxLength: 30 }}VersionString7To30Characters * Represents a version string, with a length between 7 and 30 characters. * * The format is [vendor]-[major].[minor].[patch] * @remarks * Validate at runtime for format and length compliance. */exporttypeVersionString7To30Characters=string/** * @typedef{string & { minLength: 10, maxLength: 40 }}ErrorCodeString10To40Characters * Represents a machine-readable error code string, with a length between 10 and 40 characters. * @remarks * TypeScript cannot enforce length constraints. Validate at runtime for length compliance. */exporttypeErrorCodeString10To40Characters=string/** * @typedef{string & { minLength: 20, maxLength: 200 }}ErrorDescriptionString20To200Characters * Represents a human-readable error description string, with a length between 20 and 200 characters. * @remarks * TypeScript cannot enforce length constraints. Validate at runtime for length compliance. */exporttypeErrorDescriptionString20To200Characters=string/** * The Wallet interface defines a wallet capable of various tasks including transaction creation and signing, * encryption, decryption, identity certificate management, identity verification, and communication * with applications as per the BRC standards. This interface allows applications to interact with * the wallet for a range of functionalities aligned with the Babbage architectural principles. */exportinterfaceWallet {/** * Creates a new Bitcoin transaction based on the provided inputs, outputs, labels, locks, and other options. * * @param{Object} args - The arguments required to create the transaction. * @param{DescriptionString5to50Characters} args.description - A human-readable description of the action represented by this transaction. * @param{BEEF} [args.inputBEEF] - BEEF data associated with the set of input transactions from which UTXOs will be consumed. * @param{Array<Object>} [args.inputs] - An optional array of input objects used in the transaction. * @param{OutpointString} args.inputs[].outpoint - The outpoint being consumed. * @param{HexString} args.inputs[].unlockingScript - The unlocking script needed to release the specified UTXO. * @param{DescriptionString5to50Characters} args.inputs[].inputDescription - A description of this input for contextual understanding of what it consumes. * @param{PositiveIntegerOrZero} [args.inputs[].sequenceNumber] - An optional sequence number applied to the input. * @param{PositiveInteger} [args.inputs[].unlockingScriptLength] - Length of the unlocking script, in case it will be provided later using `signAction`. * @param{Array<Object>} [args.outputs] - An optional array of output objects for the transaction. * @param{HexString} args.outputs[].lockingScript - The locking script that dictates how the output can later be spent. * @param{SatoshiValue} args.outputs[].satoshis - Number of Satoshis that constitute this output. * @param{DescriptionString5to50Characters} args.outputs[].outputDescription - Description of what this output represents. * @param{BasketStringUnder300Characters} [args.outputs[].basket] - Name of the basket where this UTXO will be held, if tracking is desired. * @param{string} [args.outputs[].customInstructions] - Custom instructions attached onto this UTXO, often utilized within application logic to provide necessary unlocking context or track token histories. * @param{OutputTagStringUnder300Characters[]} [args.outputs[].tags] - Tags assigned to the output for sorting or filtering. * @param{PositiveIntegerOrZero} [args.lockTime] - Optional lock time for the transaction. * @param{PositiveInteger} [args.version] - Optional transaction version specifier. * @param{LabelStringUnder300Characters[]} [args.labels] - Optional labels providing additional categorization for the transaction. * @param{Object} [args.options] - Optional settings modifying transaction processing behavior. * @param{BooleanDefaultTrue} [args.options.signAndProcess] - Optional. If true and all inputs have unlockingScripts, the new transaction will be signed and handed off for processing by the network; result `txid` and `tx` are valid and `signableTransaciton` is undefined. If false or an input has an unlockingScriptLength, result `txid` and `tx` are undefined and `signableTransaction` is valid. * @param {BooleanDefaultTrue} [args.options.acceptDelayedBroadcast] - Optional. If true, the transaction will be sent to the network by a background process; use `noSend` and `sendWith` options to batch chained transactions. If false, the transaction will be broadcast to the network and any errors returned in result; note that rapidly sent chained transactions may still fail due to network propagation delays.
* @param{'known'} [args.options.trustSelf] - Optional. If `known`, input transactions may omit supporting validity proof data for TXIDs known to this wallet or included in `knownTxids`. * @param{TXIDHexString[]} [args.options.knownTxids] - Optional. When working with large chained transactions using `noSend` and `sendWith` options, include TXIDs of inputs that may be assumed to be valid even if not already known by this wallet. * @param{BooleanDefaultFalse} [args.options.returnTXIDOnly] - Optional. If true, only a TXID will be returned instead of a transaction. * @param{BooleanDefaultFalse} [args.options.noSend] - Optional. If true, the transaction will be constructed but not sent to the network. Supports the creation of chained batches of transactions using the `sendWith` option. * @param{Array<OutPoint>} [args.options.noSendChange] - Optional. Valid when `noSend` is true. May contain `noSendChange` outpoints previously returned by prior `noSend` actions in the same batch of chained actions. * @param{Array<TXIDHexString>} [args.options.sendWith] - Optional. Sends a batch of actions previously created as `noSend` actions to the network; either synchronously if `acceptDelayedBroadcast` is true or by a background process. * @param{BooleanDefaultTrue} [args.options.randomizeOutputs] — optional. When set to false, the wallet will avoid randomizing the order of outputs within the transaction. * @param{OriginatorDomainNameString} [originator] - Fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the application that originated the request. * @returns{Promise<Object>} The promise returns different structures based on the outcome: error response, response with TXID, response with transaction, or info about signable transaction (partial BEEF and reference number). */createAction: ( args: { description:DescriptionString5to50Characters inputBEEF?:BEEF inputs?:Array<{ outpoint:OutpointString unlockingScript?:HexString unlockingScriptLength?:PositiveInteger inputDescription:DescriptionString5to50Characters sequenceNumber?:PositiveIntegerOrZero }> outputs?:Array<{ lockingScript:HexString satoshis:SatoshiValue outputDescription:DescriptionString5to50Characters basket?:BasketStringUnder300Characters customInstructions?:string tags?:OutputTagStringUnder300Characters[] }> lockTime?:PositiveIntegerOrZero version?:PositiveIntegerOrZero labels?:LabelStringUnder300Characters[] options?: { signAndProcess?:BooleanDefaultTrue acceptDelayedBroadcast?:BooleanDefaultTrue trustSelf?:'known' knownTxids?:TXIDHexString[] returnTXIDOnly?:BooleanDefaultFalse noSend?:BooleanDefaultFalse noSendChange?:OutpointString[] sendWith?:TXIDHexString[] randomizeOutputs?:BooleanDefaultTrue } }, originator?:OriginatorDomainNameString ) =>Promise<{ txid?:TXIDHexString tx?:AtomicBEEF noSendChange?:OutpointString[] sendWithResults?:Array<{ txid:TXIDHexString status:'unproven'|'sending'|'failed' }> signableTransaction?: { tx:AtomicBEEF reference:Base64String } }>/** * Signs a transaction previously created using `createAction`. * * @param{Object} args - Arguments to sign the transaction. * @param{Record<PositiveIntegerOrZero, Object>} args.spends - Map of input indexes to the corresponding unlocking script and optional sequence number. * @param{HexString} args.spends[].unlockingScript - The unlocking script for the corresponding input. * @param{PositiveIntegerOrZero} [args.spends[].sequenceNumber] - The sequence number of the input. * @param{Base64String} args.reference - Reference number returned from the call to `createAction`. * @param{Object} [args.options] - Optional settings modifying transaction processing behavior. * @param {BooleanDefaultTrue} [args.options.acceptDelayedBroadcast] - Optional. If true, transaction will be sent to the network by a background process; use `noSend` and `sendWith` options to batch chained transactions. If false, transaction will be broadcast to the network and any errors returned in result; note that rapidly sent chained transactions may still fail due to network propagation delays.
* @param{'known'} [args.options.trustSelf] - Optional. If `known`, input transactions may omit supporting validity proof data for TXIDs known to this wallet or included in `knownTxids`. * @param{TXIDHexString[]} [args.options.knownTxids] - Optional. When working with large chained transactions using `noSend` and `sendWith` options, include TXIDs of inputs that may be assumed to be valid even if not already known by this wallet. * @param{BooleanDefaultFalse} [args.options.returnTXIDOnly] - Optional. If true, only a TXID will be returned instead of a transaction. * @param{BooleanDefaultFalse} [args.options.noSend] - Optional. If true, the transaction will be constructed but not sent to the network. Supports the creation of chained batches of transactions using the `sendWith` option. * @param{Array<TXIDHexString>} [args.options.sendWith] - Optional. Sends a batch of actions previously created as `noSend` actions to the network; either synchronously if `acceptDelayedBroadcast` is true or by a background process. * @param{OriginatorDomainNameString} [originator] - Fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the application that originated the request. * @returns{Promise<Object>} The promise returns an error response or a response with either the completed transaction or TXID. */signAction: ( args: { spends:Record<PositiveIntegerOrZero, { unlockingScript:HexString sequenceNumber?:PositiveIntegerOrZero } > reference:Base64String options?: { acceptDelayedBroadcast?:BooleanDefaultTrue returnTXIDOnly?:BooleanDefaultFalse noSend?:BooleanDefaultFalse sendWith?:TXIDHexString[] } }, originator?:OriginatorDomainNameString ) =>Promise<{ txid?:TXIDHexString tx?:AtomicBEEF sendWithResults?:Array<{ txid:TXIDHexString status:'unproven'|'sending'|'failed' }> }>/** * Aborts a transaction that is in progress and has not yet been finalized or sent to the network. * * @param{Object} args - Arguments to identify the transaction that needs to be aborted. * @param{Base64String} args.reference - Reference number for the transaction to abort. * @param{OriginatorDomainNameString} [originator] - Fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the application that originated the request. * @returns{Promise<Object>} The promise resolves to an object indicating the abortion result (either success or error). */abortAction: ( args: { reference:Base64String }, originator?:OriginatorDomainNameString ) =>Promise<{ aborted:true }>/** * Lists all transactions matching the specified labels. * * @param{Object} args - Arguments to specify how to filter or retrieve transactions. * @param{LabelStringUnder300Characters[]} args.labels - An array of labels used to filter actions. * @param{'any' | 'all'} [args.labelQueryMode] - Specifies how to match labels (default is any which matches any of the labels). * @param{BooleanDefaultFalse} [args.includeLabels] - Whether to include transaction labels in the result set. * @param{boolean} [args.includeInputs] - Whether to include input details in the result set. * @param{boolean} [args.includeInputSourceLockingScripts] - Whether to include input source locking scripts in the result set. * @param{boolean} [args.includeInputUnlockingScripts] - Whether to include input unlocking scripts in the result set. * @param{boolean} [args.includeOutputs] - Whether to include output details in the result set. * @param{boolean} [args.includeOutputLockingScripts] - Whether to include output locking scripts in the result set. * @param{PositiveIntegerDefault10Max10000} [args.limit] - The maximum number of transactions to retrieve. * @param{PositiveIntegerOrZero} [args.offset] - Number of transactions to skip before starting to return the results. * @param{BooleanDefaultTrue} [args.seekPermission] — Whether to seek permission from the user for this operation if required. Default true, will return an error rather than proceed if set to false. * @param{OriginatorDomainNameString} [originator] - Fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the application that originated the request. * @returns{Promise<Object>} The promise resolves to an object containing actions, their metadata, inputs, and outputs if applicable, or an error object. */listActions: ( args: { labels:LabelStringUnder300Characters[] labelQueryMode?:'any'|'all' includeLabels?:BooleanDefaultFalse includeInputs?:BooleanDefaultFalse includeInputSourceLockingScripts?:BooleanDefaultFalse includeInputUnlockingScripts?:BooleanDefaultFalse includeOutputs?:BooleanDefaultFalse includeOutputLockingScripts?:BooleanDefaultFalse limit?:PositiveIntegerDefault10Max10000 offset?:PositiveIntegerOrZero seekPermission?:BooleanDefaultTrue }, originator?:OriginatorDomainNameString ) =>Promise<{ totalActions:PositiveIntegerOrZero actions:Array<{ txid:TXIDHexString satoshis:SatoshiValue status:|'completed'|'unprocessed'|'sending'|'unproven'|'unsigned'|'nosend'|'nonfinal'isOutgoing:booleandescription:DescriptionString5to50Characterslabels?:LabelStringUnder300Characters[]version:PositiveIntegerOrZerolockTime:PositiveIntegerOrZeroinputs?:Array<{ sourceOutpoint:OutpointString sourceSatoshis:SatoshiValue sourceLockingScript?:HexString unlockingScript?:HexString inputDescription:DescriptionString5to50Characters sequenceNumber:PositiveIntegerOrZero }>outputs?:Array<{ outputIndex:PositiveIntegerOrZero satoshis:SatoshiValue lockingScript?:HexString spendable:boolean outputDescription:DescriptionString5to50Characters basket:BasketStringUnder300Characters tags:OutputTagStringUnder300Characters[] customInstructions?:string }> }> }>/** * Submits a transaction to be internalized and optionally labeled, outputs paid to the wallet balance, inserted into baskets, and/or tagged. * * @param{Object} args - Arguments required to internalize the transaction. * @param{BEEF} args.tx - Atomic BEEF-formatted transaction to internalize. * @param{Array<Object>} args.outputs - Metadata about outputs, processed differently based on payment or insertion types. * @param{PositiveIntegerOrZero} args.outputs[].outputIndex - Index of the output within the transaction. * @param{'payment' | 'insert'} args.outputs[].protocol - Specifies whether the output is a payment (to be received into the wallet balance) or an insert operation (into a particular basket). * @param{Object} [args.outputs[].paymentRemittance] - Remittance data, structured accordingly for the payment operation. * @param{Base64String} args.outputs[].paymentRemittance.derivationPrefix - Payment-level derivation prefix used by the sender for key derivation (for payments). * @param{Base64String} args.outputs[].paymentRemittance.derivationSuffix - Specific output-level derivation suffix used by the sender for key derivation (for payments). * @param{PubKeyHex} args.outputs[].paymentRemittance.senderIdentityKey - Public identity key of the sender (for payments). * @param{Object} [args.outputs[].insertionRemittance] - Remittance data, structured accordingly for the insertion operation. * @param{BasketStringUnder300Characters} args.outputs[].insertionRemittance.basket - Basket in which to place the output (for insertions). * @param{string} [args.outputs[].insertionRemittance.customInstructions] - Optionally provided custom instructions attached to the output (for insertions). * @param{OutputTagStringUnder300Characters[]} [args.outputs[].insertionRemittance.tags] - Tags attached to the output (for insertions). * @param{DescriptionString5to50Characters} args.description - Human-readable description of the transaction being internalized. * @param{LabelStringUnder300Characters[]} [args.labels] - Optional labels associated with this transaction. * @param{BooleanDefaultTrue} [args.seekPermission] — Whether to seek permission from the user for this operation if required. Default true, will return an error rather than proceed if set to false. * @param{OriginatorDomainNameString} [originator] - Fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the application that originated the request. * @returns{Promise<Object>} The promise resolves to an object indicating the success of the operation or an error object. */internalizeAction: ( args: { tx:AtomicBEEF outputs:Array<{ outputIndex:PositiveIntegerOrZero protocol:'wallet payment'|'basket insertion' paymentRemittance?: { derivationPrefix:Base64String derivationSuffix:Base64String senderIdentityKey:PubKeyHex } insertionRemittance?: { basket:BasketStringUnder300Characters customInstructions?:string tags?:OutputTagStringUnder300Characters[] } }> description:DescriptionString5to50Characters labels?:LabelStringUnder300Characters[] seekPermission?:BooleanDefaultTrue }, originator?:OriginatorDomainNameString ) =>Promise<{ accepted:true }>/** * Lists the spendable outputs kept within a specific basket, optionally tagged with specific labels. * * @param{Object} args - Arguments detailing the query for listing spendable outputs. * @param{BasketStringUnder300Characters} args.basket - The associated basket name whose outputs should be listed. * @param{OutputTagStringUnder300Characters[]} [args.tags] - Filter outputs based on these tags. * @param{'all' | 'any'} [args.tagQueryMode] - Filter mode, defining whether all or any of the tags must match. By default, any tag can match. * @param{'locking scripts' | 'entire transactions'} [args.include] - Whether to include locking scripts (with each output) or entire transactions (as aggregated BEEF, at the top level) in the result. By default, unless specified, neither are returned. * @param{BooleanDefaultFalse} [args.includeEntireTransactions] - Whether to include the entire transaction(s) in the result. * @param{BooleanDefaultFalse} [args.includeCustomInstructions] - Whether custom instructions should be returned in the result. * @param{BooleanDefaultFalse} [args.includeTags] - Whether the tags associated with the output should be returned. * @param{BooleanDefaultFalse} [args.includeLabels] - Whether the labels associated with the transaction containing the output should be returned. * @param{PositiveIntegerDefault10Max10000} [args.limit] - Optional limit on the number of outputs to return. * @param{PositiveIntegerOrZero} [args.offset] - Number of outputs to skip before starting to return results. * @param{OriginatorDomainNameString} [originator] - Fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the application that originated the request. * @param{BooleanDefaultTrue} [args.seekPermission] — Whether to seek permission from the user for this operation if required. Default true, will return an error rather than proceed if set to false. * @returns{Promise<Object>} The promise returns an output listing or an error object. */listOutputs: ( args: { basket:BasketStringUnder300Characters tags?:OutputTagStringUnder300Characters[] tagQueryMode?:'all'|'any' include?:'locking scripts'|'entire transactions' includeCustomInstructions?:BooleanDefaultFalse includeTags?:BooleanDefaultFalse includeLabels?:BooleanDefaultFalse limit?:PositiveIntegerDefault10Max10000 offset?:PositiveIntegerOrZero seekPermission?:BooleanDefaultTrue }, originator?:OriginatorDomainNameString ) =>Promise<{ totalOutputs:PositiveIntegerOrZero BEEF?:BEEF outputs:Array<{ outpoint:OutpointString satoshis:SatoshiValue lockingScript?:HexString spendable:true customInstructions?:string tags?:OutputTagStringUnder300Characters[] labels?:LabelStringUnder300Characters[] }> }>/** * Relinquish an output out of a basket, removing it from tracking without spending it. * * @param{Object} args - Arguments identifying the output in the basket. * @param{BasketStringUnder300Characters} args.basket - The associated basket name where the output should be removed. * @param{OutpointString} args.outpoint - The output that should be removed from the basket. * @param{OriginatorDomainNameString} [originator] - Fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the application that originated the request. * @returns{Promise<Object>} The promise returns an indication of successful removal or an error object. */relinquishOutput: ( args: { basket:BasketStringUnder300Characters output:OutpointString }, originator?:OriginatorDomainNameString ) =>Promise<{ relinquished:true }>/** * Retrieves a derived or identity public key based on the requested protocol, key ID, counterparty, and other factors. * * @param{Object} args - Arguments to specify which public key to retrieve. * @param{BooleanDefaultFalse|true} [args.identityKey] - Use true to retrieve the current user's own identity key, overriding any protocol ID, key ID, or counterparty specified. * @param{[0 | 1 | 2, ProtocolString5To400Characters]} args.protocolID - The security level and protocol string used for key derivation. * @param{KeyIDStringUnder800Characters} args.keyID - The key ID used for key derivation. * @param{BooleanDefaultFalse} [args.privileged] - Whether this is a privileged request. * @param{DescriptionString5to50Characters} [args.privilegedReason] - Reason provided for privileged access, required if this is a privileged operation. * @param{PubKeyHex | 'self' | 'anyone'} [args.counterparty] - The public key of the counterparty involved in the key derivation process. * @param{BooleanDefaultFalse} [args.forSelf] - Whether to return the public key derived from the current user's own identity (as opposed to the counterparty's identity). * @param{BooleanDefaultTrue} [args.seekPermission] — Whether to seek permission from the user for this operation if required. Default true, will return an error rather than proceed if set to false. * @param{OriginatorDomainNameString} [originator] - Fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the application that originated the request. * @returns{Promise<Object>} Resolves to an object containing the public key, or an error response. */getPublicKey: ( args: { identityKey?:true protocolID?: [0|1|2,ProtocolString5To400Characters] keyID?:KeyIDStringUnder800Characters privileged?:BooleanDefaultFalse privilegedReason?:DescriptionString5to50Characters counterparty?:PubKeyHex|'self'|'anyone' forSelf?:BooleanDefaultFalse seekPermission?:BooleanDefaultTrue }, originator?:OriginatorDomainNameString ) =>Promise<{ publicKey:PubKeyHex }>/** * Reveals the key linkage between ourselves and a counterparty, to a particular verifier, across all interactions with the counterparty. * * @param{Object} args - Contains information about counterparty, verifier, and whether the operation is privileged. * @param{PubKeyHex} args.counterparty - The public key of the counterparty involved in the linkage. * @param{PubKeyHex} args.verifier - The public key of the verifier requesting the linkage information. * @param{DescriptionString5to50Characters} [args.privilegedReason] - Reason provided for privileged access, required if this is a privileged operation. * @param{BooleanDefaultFalse} [args.privileged] - Whether this is a privileged request. * @param{OriginatorDomainNameString} [originator] - Fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the application that originated the request. * @returns{Promise<Object>} Resolves to the key linkage, or an error response. */revealCounterpartyKeyLinkage: ( args: { counterparty:PubKeyHex verifier:PubKeyHex privilegedReason?:DescriptionString5to50Characters privileged?:BooleanDefaultFalse }, originator?:OriginatorDomainNameString ) =>Promise<{ prover:PubKeyHex verifier:PubKeyHex counterparty:PubKeyHex revelationTime:ISOTimestampString encryptedLinkage:Byte[] encryptedLinkageProof:Byte[] }>/** * Reveals the key linkage between ourselves and a counterparty, to a particular verifier, with respect to a specific interaction. * * @param{Object} args - The object defining the counterparty, verifier, protocol, and keyID for which linkage should be revealed. * @param{PubKeyHex} args.counterparty - The public key of the counterparty involved in the linkage. * @param{PubKeyHex} args.verifier - The public key of the verifier requesting the linkage information. * @param{[0 | 1 | 2, ProtocolString5To400Characters]} args.protocolID - The security level and protocol string associated with the linkage information to reveal. * @param{KeyIDStringUnder800Characters} args.keyID - The key ID associated with the linkage information to reveal. * @param{DescriptionString5to50Characters} [args.privilegedReason] - Reason provided for privileged access, required if this is a privileged operation. * @param{BooleanDefaultFalse} [args.privileged] - Whether this is a privileged request. * @param{OriginatorDomainNameString} [originator] - Fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the application that originated the request. * @returns{Promise<Object>} The promise returns the requested linkage information, or an error object. */revealSpecificKeyLinkage: ( args: { counterparty:PubKeyHex verifier:PubKeyHex protocolID: [0|1|2,ProtocolString5To400Characters] keyID:KeyIDStringUnder800Characters privilegedReason?:DescriptionString5to50Characters privileged?:BooleanDefaultFalse }, originator?:OriginatorDomainNameString ) =>Promise<{ prover:PubKeyHex verifier:PubKeyHex counterparty:PubKeyHex protocolID: [0|1|2,ProtocolString5To400Characters] keyID:KeyIDStringUnder800Characters encryptedLinkage:Byte[] encryptedLinkageProof:Byte[] proofType:Byte }>/** * Encrypts the provided plaintext data using derived keys, based on the protocol ID, key ID, counterparty, and other factors. * * @param{Object} args - Information needed for encryption, including the plaintext, protocol ID, and key ID. * @param{Byte[]} args.plaintext - Array of bytes constituting the plaintext data to be encrypted. * @param{[0 | 1 | 2, ProtocolString5To400Characters]} args.protocolID - The security level and protocol string under which the data should be encrypted. * @param{KeyIDStringUnder800Characters} args.keyID - Key ID under which the encryption will be performed. * @param{DescriptionString5to50Characters} [args.privilegedReason] - Reason provided for privileged access, required if this is a privileged operation. * @param{PubKeyHex | 'self' | 'anyone'} [args.counterparty] - Public key of the counterparty (if two-party encryption is desired). * @param{BooleanDefaultFalse} [args.privileged] - Whether this is a privileged request. * @param{BooleanDefaultTrue} [args.seekPermission] — Whether to seek permission from the user for this operation if required. Default true, will return an error rather than proceed if set to false. * @param{OriginatorDomainNameString} [originator] - Fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the application that originated the request. * @returns{Promise<Object>} Resolves to the encrypted ciphertext bytes or an error if encryption fails. */encrypt: ( args: { plaintext:Byte[] protocolID: [0|1|2,ProtocolString5To400Characters] keyID:KeyIDStringUnder800Characters privilegedReason?:DescriptionString5to50Characters counterparty?:PubKeyHex|'self'|'anyone' privileged?:BooleanDefaultFalse seekPermission?:BooleanDefaultTrue }, originator?:OriginatorDomainNameString ) =>Promise<{ ciphertext:Byte[] }>/** * Decrypts the provided ciphertext using derived keys, based on the protocol ID, key ID, counterparty, and other factors. * * @param{Object} args - Contains the ciphertext, protocol ID, and key ID required to decrypt the data. * @param{Byte[]} args.ciphertext - Encrypted bytes, including the initialization vector, for decryption. * @param{[0 | 1 | 2, ProtocolString5To400Characters]} args.protocolID - Security level and protocol string that were used during the encryption of the ciphertext. * @param{KeyIDStringUnder800Characters} args.keyID - Key ID used during the encryption of the ciphertext. * @param{DescriptionString5to50Characters} [args.privilegedReason] - Reason provided for privileged access, required if this is a privileged operation. * @param{PubKeyHex | 'self' | 'anyone'} [args.counterparty] - Public identity key of the counterparty for the encryption operation. * @param{BooleanDefaultFalse} [args.privileged] - Whether this is a privileged request. * @param{BooleanDefaultTrue} [args.seekPermission] — Whether to seek permission from the user for this operation if required. Default true, will return an error rather than proceed if set to false. * @param{OriginatorDomainNameString} [originator] - Fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the application that originated the request. * @returns{Promise<Object>} Resolves to the decryption result, containing the plaintext data or an error. */decrypt: ( args: { ciphertext:Byte[] protocolID: [0|1|2,ProtocolString5To400Characters] keyID:KeyIDStringUnder800Characters privilegedReason?:DescriptionString5to50Characters counterparty?:PubKeyHex|'self'|'anyone' privileged?:BooleanDefaultFalse seekPermission?:BooleanDefaultTrue }, originator?:OriginatorDomainNameString ) =>Promise<{ plaintext:Byte[] }>/** * Creates an HMAC (Hash-based Message Authentication Code) based on the provided data, protocol, key ID, counterparty, and other factors. * * @param{Object} args - Arguments containing the data, protocol ID, and key ID to generate the HMAC from. * @param{Byte[]} args.data - Input data (in bytes) for which the HMAC needs to be created. * @param{[0 | 1 | 2, ProtocolString5To400Characters]} args.protocolID - Security level and protocol string to be used during the HMAC operation. * @param{KeyIDStringUnder800Characters} args.keyID - Key ID to be used in the HMAC operation. * @param{DescriptionString5to50Characters} [args.privilegedReason] - Reason provided for privileged access, required if this is a privileged operation. * @param{PubKeyHex | 'self' | 'anyone'} [args.counterparty] - Public identity key of the counterparty if the operation encompasses a two-party interaction. * @param{BooleanDefaultFalse} [args.privileged] - Whether this is a privileged request. * @param{BooleanDefaultTrue} [args.seekPermission] — Whether to seek permission from the user for this operation if required. Default true, will return an error rather than proceed if set to false. * @param{OriginatorDomainNameString} [originator] - Fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the application that originated the request.